Rev. Dr. Cheryl J. Sanders, Senior Pastor

Cheryl J. Sanders is Senior Pastor of the Third Street Church of God in Washington, D.C. since 1997, and Professor of Christian Ethics at the Howard University School of Divinity since 1984. She has published more than 100 articles and the following books: Ministry at the Margins (InterVarsity Press, 1997); Saints in Exile: The Holiness-Pentecostal Experience in African American Religion and Culture (Oxford, 1996); Empowerment Ethics for a Liberated People (Fortress, 1995); and Living the Intersection (Fortress, 1995). From 2000 to 2007 she was a contributing guest editor for Leadership, a journal for pastors. She is a graduate of the Sidwell Friends School, Swarthmore College (B.A. in Mathematics) and Harvard Divinity School (M.Div., cum laude and Th.D. in the field of Applied Theology). She has been awarded two honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees; the first by Asbury College in 2002, and the second by Anderson University in 2007. She is married to Dr. Alan Carswell, and is the mother of two adult children, Allison and Garrett.
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